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 Teaching Styles
     Charlotte Mason

9th -12th grade Charlotte Mason Style

Linked to this page is the curriculum plan we have used and intend to complete in our homeschool. (Our oldest will graduate in June of 2004.) We expect we will make adjustments in it for our younger children and their individual needs, but it shows our basic goals in homeschooling our children, and what we hope they will have completed by the time theygraduate.

We share it as a means of encouragement and in the hopes that others will be inspired by it. We believe it contains many helpful resources, and that it can be used as a springboard to personally-tailored high school plans for other families.


A free currriculum guide for a Charlotte Mason education.

Charlotte Mason Thoughts

Homeschool Highlights

Homeschool Highlights provides homeschooling resources for home schooling parents and students. This site is hosted by Dean and Karen Andreola, noted authors who brought to light the works of Charlotte Mason. They also review homeschool curriculum materials for CBD.

Simply Charlotte Mason

Simply Charlotte Mason is a website dedicated to helping you homeschool your children using Charlotte Mason's wonderful methods and education philosophy. Whether you're looking for great living books, ideas for narration, dictation exercises, free manuscript copywork, or a full curriculum guide, Simply Charlotte Mason is here to save you time and keep you organized. Take a look around.