Resources > Books-Lap/Mini/Note/Scrap > Clipart-History,timeline and events pics.

Classroom Clipart

Age of Exploration (42)
Ancient Civilizations (1657)
Ancient Weapons (4)
Byzantine Empire (9)
Celtics (59)
China (80)
Clipart (52)
Costumes (142)
Europe (337)
Explorers (98)
France (169)
Hieroglyphs (27)
Historical Images (246)
Holocaust (5)
Illustrations (266)
India (148)
Industrial Revolution (206)
Inventions (10)
Iran (40)
Japan (150)
Maps (87)
Mayans (22)
MesoAmerica (51)
Middle Ages (691)
Middle East (155)
Military (7)
New (64)
People (222)
Photographs (56)
Politics (0)
Prehistory (23)
Renaissance (18)
Russia (153)
Scientific Instruments (11)
Scientific Revolution (0)
Ships (56)
Stone Age (1)
Transportation (38)
United States (3188)
Vikings (162)
War (2)
Weapons (8)
World (322)
World Battles


Wonderful for scrapbooking or notebooking..this site includes Bears
critters,dolls,kitchen and seasonal

Homeschooling with Notebooks

Free Bible pictures for your timeline and/or notebook and lapbook.

Hats off to Alice at Homeschooling with Notebooks!

Native American

native american clip art and TONS more!

People Clip Art

Neat site which includes a black & white picture of
Composers - Chopin, Beethoven, Mozart, Bach, Vivaldi, Tchaikovsky...

Explorers - Cook, Polo, Magellan, Cabot, Columbus, Livingstone, etc...
Inventors - Einstein, Edison, Wright Brothers, Bell, Ford, etc...

Painters - Monet, Rodin, Rembrandt, Picasso, Da Vinci, Van Gogh
Philosophers - Aristotle, Confucius, Galileo, Plato, Pythagoras, Socrates
Scientists - Newton, Copernicus, Galileo, Darwin, Halley, Einstein, etc.
Writers - Poe, Shakespeare, Dickens, Twain, Verne, Tolstoy, etc.
Others -
Freud, Gandhi, Earhart, Caesar, Napoleon, etc.

Poison's Icon and Graphics

Native American clipart